It’s genuinely heartbreaking to experience this closure after we fought so hard to survive the lockdowns of 2020, while simultaneously paying/keeping current our full rent, all obligations and utilities, while also paying wages and providing food & provisions to our staff so they could also stay afloat during those tenuous months of lockdowns and restrictions, all of us fighting to survive as frontline workers, and now it’s all to come to an end due to no fault of our own because we have been faced with the non-renewal of our lease by new landlords we’ve never even met.” Following the Covid closures of bars and restaurants last year, when bars were allowed to re-open in June of 2020, IDL Ballroom participated with the Tulsa Office of Film, Music, Arts & Culture’s benevolent program to support local musicians called Play Tulsa Music, throwing weekly concerts through the end of December so local musicians could be paid generously after being barred previously from performing for months due to the lockdowns, as well as organizing a series of sold out tribute shows in 2021 that brought musicians from all backgrounds to play with each other in themed concerts that were met with huge success and provided hope for the future to all the participating Tulsa musicians. “It’s hard to believe – a total gut punch – the realization that after 13 years of a thriving, successful business that was a pioneer in downtown nightlife, coupled with the fact that we made it through over 3 months of COVID lockdowns last year and survived the closure followed by months more of capacity restrictions in order to open back up, that it’s all coming to an end. In a shocking revelation, the new owners’ representative informed the owners, Angie and Tom Green, that the new building owners did not intend to renew the lease at the upcoming bi-annual renewal date of Augand that they instead had plans for renovations and plans to open a new business related to their new juicery next door. New owners purchased the building that is home to the trio of venues in the spring of 2021 and paid a hefty price, $4.71M, that far exceeded the market value of the property which made the likelihood of IDL Quad Group’s ability to purchase the building first an impossibility. After 13 years in business, the entertainment group IDL Quad Group and their respective venues, IDL Ballroom, The Unicorn Club (previously known as Electric Circus 2010-2017) and Enso will be closing their doors for good after the final evening of business on Saturday, August 14th, 2021. You can read the full statement from IDL Quad Group below. She also said those who booked events will get their money back and get help finding other options. Green said she is putting together a severance package for employees. You can read the full statement from Inheritance Juicery here. Whether it's is going to be playing into the arts in Tulsa, playing into education and awareness,” said Vodicka. "We're very open and we're brainstorming many, many different ideas. Vodicka also said the property made it clear that it was not going to renew the lease, offered to buy IDL Group out of its lease early and even waived the last three months' rent. We were actually approached by the previous owner, who reached out to us." “We did not go into this with the intent to force someone out of business. "We did not outbid anyone,” said Vodicka. Vodicka, who is also property manager, told News On 6 the new owners paid the asking price in private negotiation. Lukas Vodicka is the manager of Inheritance Juicery, which bought the building that houses all three entertainment venues. "We had such a great history with our previous landlord of always paying the rent on time, always taking care of things,” said Green. She said about 30 people will have to find work elsewhere and more than 15 events must find another venue.

She said reality hit within the last few weeks, after her attorney told her that will not happen.

Green said after new owners took over the property in February, she hoped they could negotiate an extension to their lease beyond August.

"When people can come in and just purchase your building and then just boot you," said Green. They told News On 6 they were proud to have bounced back from the pandemic and were doing well in recent months until heartbreaking news. The IDL Ballroom, The Unicorn Club and Enso, all connected at the corner of 1st and Detroit, will close after August 14th.Īngie Green and her husband, Tom Green, have owned IDL Quad Group for 13 years.